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Módulo 2 - Blockchain


Blockchain Takes Manhattan

How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott

The Blockchain and Us

What is Blockchain Technology? - CoinDesk

How Does Blockchain Technology Work? - CoinDesk

What is a Distributed Ledger? - CoinDesk

What Can a Blockchain Do? - CoinDesk

What Are the Applications and Use Cases of Blockchains? - CoinDesk

Blockchain: entenda a tecnologia

On Public and Private Blockchains - Ethereum Blog

Blockchain For Dummies - IBM

Blockchain Público e Privado Blockchain Público e Privado

What is the Difference Between Public and Permissioned Blockchains? - CoinDesk

Aula Curso - O que é Blockchain Privado? DLT, R3 Corda, Hyperledger, IBM etc.


Hyperledger: um blockchain para empresas - BLOCKCHAIN INSPER

Hyperledger: What is it, what’s it good for, and wasn’t it in Spaceballs?

Corda: Frictionless Commerce

Decentralized Finance

Smart Contracts + Ethereum + dApps

What are Smart Contracts & What is their function?

O que são Smart-Contracts?

Who Created Ethereum?

What is Ethereum? - CoinDesk Guides

What is Ether? - CoinDesk

An Introduction to Ethereum and Smart Contracts: a Programmable Blockchain

Deep Dive: Ethereum and Smart Contracts

Decentralizing Everything with Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin | Disrupt SF 2017

What Are Dapps? The New Decentralized Future

What is a dApp? Decentralized Application on the Blockchain

Ecossistema - Blockchain/Crypto

Crypto Thesis Open Financial Systems

Ecossistema brasileiro

O uso da Tecnologia Blockchain na melhoria dos serviços públicos

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake: Basic Mining Guide

Porgrammer explains PoW vs PoS | Blockchain


Blockchain Technology